Author: | He, J. and S. X. Chen |
Title: | He, J. and S. X. Chen (2016) Testing Super-Diagonal Structure in High Dimensional Covariance Matrices, Journal of Econometrics, 194, 283-297 |
Code | |
C++ code: // A simulation sample // // The returned value "sum" calculates the test statistics Dnq before standardization. // The returned value "Sigma" calculates the variance of the test statistics Dnq. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <Eigen/Dense> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; #define PI 3.141592654 #define IA 16807 #define IM 2147483647 #define AM (1.0/IM) #define IQ 127773 #define IR 2836 #define NTAB 32 #define NDIV (1+(IM-1)/NTAB) #define EPS 1.2e-7 #define RNMX (1.0-EPS) /*Uniform0-1, idum negative*/ double ran1(long *idum) { int j; long k; static long iy=0; static long iv[NTAB]; double temp; if (*idum <= 0 || !iy) { if (-(*idum) < 1) *idum=1; else *idum = -(*idum); for (j=NTAB+7;j>=0;j--) { k=(*idum)/IQ; *idum=IA*(*idum-k*IQ)-IR*k; if (*idum < 0) *idum += IM; if (j < NTAB) iv[j] = *idum; } iy=iv[0]; } k=(*idum)/IQ; *idum=IA*(*idum-k*IQ)-IR*k; if (*idum < 0) *idum += IM; j=iy/NDIV; iy=iv[j]; iv[j] = *idum; if ((temp=AM*iy) > RNMX) return RNMX; else return temp; } /*Uniform0-1, idum negative*/ /*N(0,1)*/ double gasdev(long *idum) { double ran1(long *idum); static int iset=0; static double gset; double fac,rsq,v1,v2; if (*idum<0) iset=0; if(iset == 0){ do{ v1=2.0*ran1(idum)-1.0; v2=2.0*ran1(idum)-1.0; rsq=v1*v1+v2*v2; }while(rsq >= 1.0 || rsq == 0.0); fac=sqrt(-2.0*log(rsq)/rsq); gset=v1*fac; iset=1; return v2*fac; }else{ iset=0; return gset; } } /*N(0,1)*/ /*Gamma(int ia,1),ia>=1.*/ double gamdev(int ia,long *idum) { double ran1(long *idum); int j; double am,e,s,v1,v2,x,y; if (ia<6) { x=1.0; for (j=1;j<=ia;j++) x*=ran1(idum); x=-log(x); }else { do{ do{ do{ v1=ran1(idum); v2=2.0*ran1(idum)-1.0; }while (v1*v1+v2*v2>1.0); y=v2/v1; am=ia-1; s=sqrt(2.0*am+1.0); x=s*y+am; }while (x<=0.0); e=(1.0+y*y)*exp(am*log(x/am)-s*y); }while (ran1(idum)>e); } return x; } /*Gamma(int ia,1),ia>=1.*/ double P(int i,int j) { double ans=1; int i1; for(i1=1;i1<=j;i1++) ans=ans*i1; for(i1=1;i1<=j-i;i1++) ans=ans/double(i1); return ans; } int main() { int n,p,i,j,l,rep,v,k0,q,qnum; /*n: sample size; p: dimension; k0: true bandwidth of Sigma */ n=50; p=50; rep=1000; k0=5; qnum=49; MatrixXd G,z(n,p),x(n,p),sum(rep,(qnum+1)),sigma(rep,(qnum+1)),O,C,xcolsum,xmean; G = MatrixXd::Identity(p,p); O = MatrixXd::Ones(n,n); for(j=1;j<(k0+1);j++) { for(i=0;i<p-j;i++) { G(i+j,i) = 0.4; } }/* Generate Gamma matrix;*/ /*calculate the excution time*/ clock_t tStart = clock(); for (v=0;v<rep;v++) { long idum=-(v+12345); for (i=0;i<n;i++) { for (j=0;j<p;j++) { z(i,j)=gasdev(&idum); } } x=z*G.transpose(); xcolsum = x.colwise().sum(); xmean = O*x/n; C=(x-O*x/n).transpose()*(x-O*x/n)/(n-1); /*Sample Covariance Matrix of X*/ for (q=0;q<(qnum+1);q++) { MatrixXd Y(n,(p-q)); for (i=0;i<n;i++) { for (l=0;l<(p-q);l++) { Y(i,l) = (x(i,l)-xmean(l))*(x(i,(l+q))-xmean(l+q)) - C(l,(l+q)); } } MatrixXd YY(n,n),YYcolsum; YY=Y*Y.transpose(); double sigma1,sum1,temp1,temp2,temp3; sigma1 = 0; sum1=0; temp1=0; temp2=0; temp3=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<i;j++) { for (l=0;l<p-q;l++) { temp1 += x(i,l)*x(i,l+q)*x(j,l)*x(j,l+q); temp2 += (x(i,l)*x(j,l)*x(j,l+q)*x(j,l+q) - x(i,l)*x(j,l)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l+q)); temp3 += (x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l)*xcolsum(l+q) + x(i,l)*x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*x(j,l+q) - x(i,l)*x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l+q) - x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l)); } } for(j=(i+1);j<n;j++) { for (l=0;l<p-q;l++) { temp1 += x(i,l)*x(i,l+q)*x(j,l)*x(j,l+q); temp2 += (x(i,l)*x(j,l)*x(j,l+q)*x(j,l+q) - x(i,l)*x(j,l)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l+q)); temp3 += (x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l)*xcolsum(l+q) + x(i,l)*x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*x(j,l+q) - x(i,l)*x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l+q) - x(i,l)*x(j,l+q)*x(j,l+q)*xcolsum(l)); } } sigma1 += YY(i,i)*YY(i,i); } sum(v,q)=temp1/n/(n-3)+temp2*(2*n-3)/n/(n-1)/(n-2)/(n-3)+temp3/n/(n-1)/(n-2)/(n-3); sigma(v,q)=((YY*YY).trace()-sigma1)/n/(n-1); } } ofstream f; ("Sigma_n50p50normal.txt"); f << sigma; f.close(); ofstream f1; ("Dnq_n50p50normal.txt"); f1 << sum; f1.close(); return 0; } |