Song Xi Chen's research group is focused on developing statistical methodologies and applications in Air Quality Assessment in China, High Dimensional Statistical Inference, Empirical Likelihood, Econometrical analyses on China's macro-economic variables.
近日,陈松蹊教授团队由童培峰为第一作者的两篇研究论文《偏差调整的时空脑电图/脑磁图溯源定位和统计推断》(Debiased Estimation and Inference for Spatial–Temporal EEG/MEG Source Imaging)和《基于Transformer的儿童Rolandic癫痫患者的间歇期痫性放电检测算法》(Detection of interictal epileptiform discharges using transformer based deep neural network for patients with self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes)分别在医学影像顶级期刊《IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging》和医学工程权威期刊《Biomedical Signal Processing and Control》在线发表。
Develop statistical methods to measure the effectiveness of the air pollution mitigation strategies based on objective air quality measures that re...
Development methods applicable to a new norm of data: the dimension of the data is much larger than the ...
Analyzing EEG, MRI and CT data with statistical methods and deep learning techniques to tackle the key scientific challenges in diagnosing and trea...