Song Xi Chen's research group is focused on developing statistical methodologies and applications in Air Quality Assessment in China, High Dimensional Statistical Inference,  Empirical Likelihood, Econometrical analyses on China's macro-economic variables.

  • 功不唐捐,笃行致远 | 陈松蹊团队给大家拜年-携2024年总结


    2025-01-29 22:01


  • 《中国2025-2100年人口预测与政策建议》研究报告发布


    2025-01-16 21:18


  • 童培峰等关于非侵入式脑电溯源定位和脑电棘波/尖波检测的两篇研究被接受发表

    近日,陈松蹊教授团队由童培峰为第一作者的两篇研究论文《偏差调整的时空脑电图/脑磁图溯源定位和统计推断》(Debiased Estimation and Inference for Spatial–Temporal EEG/MEG Source Imaging)和《基于Transformer的儿童Rolandic癫痫患者的间歇期痫性放电检测算法》(Detection of interictal epileptiform discharges using transformer based deep neural network for patients with self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes)分别在医学影像顶级期刊《IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging》和医学工程权威期刊《Biomedical Signal Processing and Control》在线发表。

    2024-12-03 17:13


  • air pollution

    Air Quality Assessment

    Develop statistical methods to measure the effectiveness of the air pollution mitigation strategies based on objective air quality measures that re...

  • air pollution

    High Dimensional Statistical Inference

    Development methods applicable to a new norm of data: the dimension of the data is much larger than the ...

  • air pollution

    Empirical Likelihood

    参数似然是传统统计学的核心方法, 极大似然估计和似然比检验是统计学的基本方法。参数...

  • air pollution


    Modeling and analyses of Chinese economic data and general econometric methods.

  • air pollution


    The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pande...

  • air pollution

    Neural Science

    Analyzing EEG, MRI and CT data with statistical methods and deep learning techniques to tackle the key scientific challenges in diagnosing and trea...